
After you downloading the app you need to enter your mobile number and verify through one time pass. As soon as you verify one time password than it will ask you “If you want to Sign Up as an Admin? Once you select option YES than it will ask you the further details such as “Your Society Name”, “State”, “City” and “Pincode”. By filling out these details you will be signed up as an admin and can manage your society and avail all exciting features.

It’s really an important feature and incorporated this in a very easy manner. On the users Dashboard you will find the third option “Society” under this option you can find the “Complaint/Service Request”. By choosing related category such as “Electrical”, “Plumbing”, “Lift” and other related categories, you can register your complain and your society manager will get the notification for further operations.

You can allow your guest if it is pre-planned, just tap to the “Quick Action” and select allow guest. By filling out all the details you guest will receive an OTP to verify at the society gate. Guard will ask for the OTP and he will let you enter if it’s verifies with the system. Moreover, if your guest has arrived on your society gate than don’t worry our Guard App will take all the required details and Guard will send you the notification through our system, now it’s your choice to allow your guest to entered or deny.

We know your information is very essential and we respect your privacy policy. Therefore we have followed all the security compliances and we guaranteed not to disclose or not for any advertisement purpose.


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